How can a Bulgarian commercial company be recognizable in the EU?

bulgarian commercial company lead consult bg people shaking hands contract

After establishing a Bulgarian commercial company, a unique number called EIK is generated in the Commercial Register.

The Bulgarian business register / register of non-profit legal entities (TRRYULNTs) is administered by the Registry Agency attached to the Ministry of Justice.

Registered there, are traders, branches of foreign traders, non-profit legal entities and branches of non-profit legal entities, along with the particulars on them that are required by law to be registered.

Also contained in the TRRYULNTS are the documents that are required by law to be kept available for public inspection relating to traders and foreign traders’ branches, non-profit legal entities and branches of foreign non-profit legal entities

EIK: BG Unified Identification Code for companies, BULSTAT code for non-commercial orgs. 9-digit for organisations, 13-digit for branches

Your EU partners and customers can check if your trading company is real through an electronic platform

In order to enter the EIK number in this electronic platform the Bulgarian Commercial Company must register for EU VAT. This is a specific registration, which is different from the VAT registration for the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, which obliges the Company to charge VAT on the goods and services offered by it.

What the Lead Consult team does for you:

✒ Registration of your commercial company ( LLC, LTD, JSC);

✒ Preparation of the necessary documents for EU VAT registration;

✒ Submission and representation before the competent authorities of the National Revenue Agency in connection with VAT registration for the EU;

✒ On request, we can also provide you with accounting services

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